Tuesday, August 7, 2012



Today we learned how to show
"Deep Faith" in God by daring to care for others. Our story was from 2 Kings 5. It was about a young servant girl who "dared to care" for her master, by helping to find someone
to cure him of his skin disease.

Our Bible verse taught us that God wants us to "care" for each other.
"Love your neighbor as you love yourself."
Matthew 22:39

In our "pufferfish" dive room, we are creating a mural of God's beautiful underwater world and writing about HIS great love for us...

In crafts, we made an "ocean in a bottle"...
and created handmade tags to tie on
water bottles to be handed out to the
homeless in our city.

Back in our dive room...
       ...we used Legos to create vehicles and deep sea divers to explore the underwater world. 

and we made a hand-print octopus to remind us to

We sang with "OCHO the OCTOPUS" in assembly...

...and played with blue balloon "bubbles" in recreation time!

It was a B-I-G "DIVE" day at VBS!

Tomorrow we will hear a story about a prophet who shared a great message about the coming
of God's Son, Jesus...