Sunday, August 5, 2012


...and God's great underwater universe!

This week we will be "diving into God's Word" to discover the people God wants us to be.

We will meet characters like:

* Noah who built an ark to survive a flood...

*a young servant girl who cared about others...

*a prophet called "John the Baptist"...

*Jesus' disciples who faithfully followed Him...

*and Paul, who spread the teachings of Jesus throughout the world!

Bible verses we
 can learn this week:

MONDAY:    Proverbs3:5 

TUESDAY:    Matthew 22:39 

WEDNESDAY:    John 3:16   

THURSDAY:    Joshua 24:15 

FRIDAY:    Mark 16:15 

On Monday we will hear
the story of Noah's "deep faith"

 and the ark God told 
him to build.

Watch for our daily "dive" posts!